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Voting & Elections 11.25.2019

CC/WI Urges UW Regents to Adopt Uniform Student Photo IDs Compliant with Voter ID Law for All Institutions

The State Governing Board of Common Cause in Wisconsin, the state's largest non-partisan political reform advocacy organization with 7,000 members and supporters, sent a letter to the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents urging adoption of uniform student photo IDs compliant with the state's voter ID law.

Voting & Elections 04.23.2019

Common Cause Wisconsin, Fair Elections Center & Others Challenge Wisconsin’s Requirements for Student IDs Used as Voter ID

WISCONSIN – Today, Fair Elections Center and Pines Bach LLP filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin, on behalf of Common Cause in Wisconsin and individual plaintiff Ben Quintero, challenging Wisconsin’s unnecessary requirements for student IDs to qualify as voter ID.

Voting & Elections 08.8.2017

Maybe, some day, people will hear

Jay Heck, executive director of Common Cause, consistently pushes for reforms intended to keep government on the up-and-up and make it work better for all citizens, not just the favored few. He calls out politicians and their powerful supporters, and he does so with facts and figures that cannot be denied.

Voting & Elections 05.18.2017

CC/WI Calls for Removal of Restrictions on College Student ID as Voter ID

As a result of Wisconsin's strict voter ID law, college students are treated differently, facing unnecessary barriers to voting. This deliberate disenfranchisement is wrong and must be addressed; we should be encouraging civic participation by young voters, not preventing it.

Voting & Elections 05.10.2017

Guest view: Let me introduce you to Gerry Mandering

Who is Gerry Mandering and what is he doing to the citizens of Wisconsin?

Voting & Elections 05.10.2017

Citizens Need to Keep Pressure on as Gerrymandered Legislative District Maps Lawsuit to be Considered by U.S. Supreme Court

As expected, last Friday Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel (R) appealed the November Federal three-judge Court panel ruling that the 2011 Republican gerrymander of Wisconsin's state legislative districts was unconstitutional. And as we have been detailing for the last month, Republican legislative leaders have, without your permission or public input, decided to utilize your tax dollars to defend the rigged, unconstitutional 2011 maps and that bill will run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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