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Op-Ed: Stakes are huge as court orders end to gerrymandering

An unprecedented and decisive federal court order on Jan. 27 directed the Wisconsin Legislature to redraw and pass into law new state Assembly district boundary maps (which also determine state Senate district boundaries) before Nov. 1, 2017.

WISCONSIN: Taxpayers to be Fleeced by GOP Legislative Leaders for Defense of Rigged Voter Maps

Wisconsin GOP legislative leaders secretly sign contracts with two law firms to use taxpayer money to pay for defense of unconstitutional rigged voter maps.

Editorial: Wisconsin Republicans are robbing taxpayers to fund partisan schemes

Editorial: Wisconsin Republicans are robbing taxpayers to fund partisan schemes

Voting & Elections 11.22.2016

Federal Court rules that Wisconsin's 2011 Gerrymandering of State Legislative Districts is Unconstitutional

On Monday, a federal 3-judge court panel issued an unprecedented decision that is a huge victory for all of those voters of Wisconsin who want and deserve a real choice in their elections and a system of redrawing state legislative districts after each Census in a non-partisan, transparent and reputable process.

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