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Common Cause Wisconsin and Other Statewide Fair Maps Advocates Challenge State Legislative Candidates in 2024 to Take This Pledge to Support Fair Voting Maps

All Candidates Must Be Proactive to Inform CCWI and Voters of their Position on This Issue!

Fair Price for Fair Maps

Wisconsin Taxpayers to Pay Just $64,000 for Fair Voting Maps After Doling Out More Than $3 Million for Unfair, Partisan Gerrymandered Maps Over last 13 Years.

Encouraging Legal Challenge to Gerrymandered WI Maps

Common Cause Wisconsin Encouraged by Strong Legal Challenge to Long Standing Hyper Partisan Gerrymandered State Legislative Voting Maps

U.S. Census Bureau Releases 2020 Census Demographic Data to Kick Off Wisconsin Redistricting 2021

When redistricting is fair, transparent, and includes everyone, our maps are more likely to be representative and secure free, fair, and responsive elections for the next decade. That is why we are advocating for a process that prioritizes opportunities for meaningful public input, public access to the redistricting data used by mapmakers in Wisconsin, and a mapmaking process conducted openly rather than behind closed doors.

Vos & Fitzgerald Untruthful About Legality of Ending Partisan Gerrymandering

Send Robin Vos and Scott Fitzgerald a message that voters should pick their elected representatives, rather than the politicians picking which voters they get to represent.

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