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Money & Influence 05.19.2018

Appleton Post Crescent: “Brad Schimel planned to keep secret records of trip, his emails show” by Kyle Keegan, USA Today Network

Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel planned to keep secret a $4,100 trip last year that was funded by a Christian legal organization accused of being a hate group, according to newly released records.

Voting & Elections 04.4.2018

The American Prospect: "Wisconsin’s Scott Walker Versus the Blue Wave" by Mark Ossolinski

“It’s transparent. This was a power play,” Jay Heck, executive director of Common Cause Wisconsin, told the Prospect. “Everyone knew what was going on.”

Voting & Elections 03.29.2018

Urban Milwaukee: "Not doing special elections hasn’t saved money, it’s actually cost taxpayers. A lot. " by Bruce Murphy

As Jay Heck of the nonpartisan Common Cause of Wisconsin noted to Urban Milwaukee, “Walker feared that a special election held in the 1st State Senate District and the 42nd Assembly would have produced Democratic victories which, in turn, would bode ill for his own re-election prospects.”

The Capital Times (Op-Ed): "Tyranny of the legislative majority would undermine democracy" by Jay Heck

The recent machinations by Gov. Scott Walker and the majority party in the Wisconsin Legislature were not rushed to the forefront of state government consideration to "save taxpayer dollars" or to "avoid confusion." There is not a single person in the Capitol — and very few outside of it — who believe that to be the case for a second.

Voting & Elections 02.26.2018

Mother Jones: "Wisconsin Democrats Sue to Force Scott Walker to Hold Constitutionally Required Elections" by Ari Berman

In the legislative session this year, Republicans voted to oust the heads of the state’s ethics and elections commissions, who helped lead an investigation into Walker’s fundraising from corporate interests. The executive director of Common Cause Wisconsin told HuffPost it was “one of the most grotesque abuses of power that has occurred in Wisconsin in its history.”

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