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Media Contacts: David Vance, National Media Strategist, 240-605-8600, dvance@commoncause.org Katie Scally, Communications Director, 408-205-1257, kscally@commoncause.org

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Common Cause Asks Full D.C. Circuit Court to Reconsider Filibuster Challenge

Common Cause is asking a federal appeals court in Washington to take a second look at the organization’s challenge to the U.S. Senate’s filibuster rule and its 60-vote requirement for action

Money & Influence 12.5.2013

Proposal to Curb Outside Spending in Alaska's U.S. Senate Race is a Good Step but Must Get Sign On From All Candidates to be Effective

A proposal made today to curb outside spending in Alaska’s U.S. Senate race is an excellent way for candidates to reclaim control of their election contests, but it must be agreed to by all major candidates to be effective, Common Cause and Public Citizen said

Money & Influence 12.5.2013

Common Cause Hails Senate Move to Debate Constitutional Amendment on Political Spending

Word that the U.S. Senate will finally debate a constitutional amendment to impose reasonable limits on political spending is welcome news for American democracy, Common Cause said today.

Media & Democracy 12.5.2013

FCC's Reported Capitulation around Open Internet Protections is a Major Step Backward

After months of insisting that he would protect free speech and innovation online by guaranteeing Open Internet protections, Federal Communications Commissioner Chairman Tom Wheeler appears ready to break his word, Common Cause said today.

Money & Influence 12.5.2013

Secret, Outside Money Will Dominate N.H. Senate Contest Unless Candidates Adopt "People's Pledge"

As outside dark money groups pump cash into the race, former U.S. Sen. Scott Brown is spurning the People's Pledge on outside campaign spending that he championed in 2012.

Voting & Elections 12.5.2013

Common Cause Hails New York's Adoption of National Popular Vote Plan

Action this week in New York has brought Americans an important step closer to ensuring that the presidential candidate who receives the most votes in November takes the oath of office in January, Common Cause said today.

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