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Voting & Elections 01.30.2014

Online Voting for Academy Awards Must Not Become a Model for Public Elections, Cyber Security and Voting Rights Experts Warn

Voting & Elections 12.5.2013

Congress, President Must Staff Election Assistance Commission

Congress and President Obama should work quickly to fully staff the federal Election Assistance Commission (EAC), a 12-year-old bipartisan panel created to help states meet voluntary standards for administering elections, Common Cause said today.

Voting & Elections 12.5.2013

Commission Delivers Bipartisan Blueprint for Upgrading Elections

President Obama's Commission on Election Administration has given the White House, Congress and state leaders a much-needed blueprint for repairing and modernizing the broken machinery of our elections, Common Cause said today.

Voting & Elections 12.5.2013

Common Cause Commends Rand Paul Statement on Voter ID, Urges Him to Support Voting Rights Amendment Act

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has opened an important door for himself and his fellow Republicans by calling on the party to end its national campaign for tougher voter identification laws, Common Cause said today

Voting & Elections 12.5.2013

Common Cause Hails New York's Adoption of National Popular Vote Plan

Action this week in New York has brought Americans an important step closer to ensuring that the presidential candidate who receives the most votes in November takes the oath of office in January, Common Cause said today.

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