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Groundswell of Opposition Tells Commerce Department to Scrap the Citizenship Question on 2020 Census

Common Cause joined more than 250,000 individuals and organizations to urge the Commerce Department to remove the citizenship question from the 2020 Census, citing the threat to census accuracy in all communities that will undermine the fair allocation of political representation, public resources, and private investment for the next decade.

Citizenship Question Threatens A Fair and Accurate Census

Americans deserve a fair and accurate census where everyone within the borders of our country are counted, regardless of their citizenship status. The inclusion of the citizenship question threatens that constitutional requirement and politicizes this process.

Census Nominee Withdrawal Presents Opportunity for Professionals to Oversee Accurate Count

The American public must have confidence in the leadership of Census Bureau to ensure everyone is counted accurately. Public outrage met reports that Thomas Brunell would be named deputy director, a slot that does not require Senate confirmation, but that he would in fact lead the Census. The controversy was well founded. Brunell’s controversial background as an academic who regular testified in support Republican gerrymanders would have politicized the national headcount.

Potential Nominee Thomas Brunell Would Politicize 2020 Census

Politics have no business in the Census but the Trump Administration’s leading candidate for the deputy director slot at the Census Bureau, Thomas Brunell, would introduce blatant partisan politics into the national headcount. Discontent from Capitol Hill over Brunell’s political partisanship may have scuttled his candidacy for the top slot at the bureau but as deputy director he skirts the confirmation process.

Common Cause Urges Census Bureau to Count Prisoners in Home Localities, Not Prisons

The Census Bureau plans to count 2 million prisoners in a way that discriminates against other Americans

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