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Money & Influence 03.6.2022

Inside Sources/Tribune News Service: Elected Jailers and the Money Behind Their Campaigns

The Paid Jailer report suggests that industry donations to sheriffs are not only likely damaging to justice and democracy but also incredibly common. Construction companies contribute tens of thousands of dollars and then go on to build bigger jails. Legal firms fund races and end up representing the sheriff’s office in misconduct cases. Our research uncovered more than $6 million in contributions from donors with potential ethical conflicts. More than 40 percent of contributions to sheriffs we studied came from conflicted donors whose influence could incentivize more arrests, lead to more deaths in custody, and keep more people in jail.

Money & Influence 03.2.2022

Daily Beast: How the Hell Is Trump 43-0 vs. Campaign Finance Watchdogs?

Paul S. Ryan, vice president of litigation at good government group Common Cause, was on the receiving end of a number of those decisions, and did not mince words. “Trump is a walking playbook for how to violate campaign finance laws and get away with it,” Ryan told The Daily Beast, noting that several cases hit close to home, including the Daniels payment, “complaints related to his soft money group America First Policies, his involvement with now-disgraced Cambridge Analytica, his solicitation of foreign campaign assistance and more.” Because his organization filed those complaints, he said, seeing Trump walk “really stings.” Ryan added that Common Cause wasn’t alone, noting that the Trump campaign skated on complaints from the Campaign Legal Center, End Citizens United, Democracy 21 and other watchdogs.

Money & Influence 02.25.2022

Gannett/Providence Journal: Are campaign donations to MA sheriffs too suggestive of pay-to-play? CT may have solution

“This is not just about bribery. It’s also about public faith in government,” said Beth Rotman, a Common Cause national director and the person who led the implementation of Connecticut’s democracy reform program. “People don’t always know what’s going to influence them and what isn’t going to influence them, but certainly if you’re taking all of your money from an industry that wants something very valuable from you, it looks horrible and casts a tremendous shadow over any decision you make.”

Voting & Elections 02.22.2022

Ms. Magazine (Op-Ed): Our Democracy Has Problems. Women Have Solutions.

My dream is to live in an inclusive democracy that lives up to its promise. Where everyone has a say in the future for their family and community; where anyone can run for public office; where everyone plays by the same fair rules; and where our government reflects who we are because people vote in high numbers. We must not yield to a cynicism that says we can never improve. Making the dream real means ensuring those who represent us are reflective and responsive to the people—not the wealthy who dominate campaign and lobbyist spending. It means ending voter suppression that silences Black and brown voters; replacing unaccountable secret money in elections with small dollar donor laws that shift power from wealthy special interests to the people; ending racial and partisan gerrymandering by shifting power from politicians to impartial commissions; and preventing election sabotage that would steal power from voters by overturning elections. —Karen Hobert Flynn, president of Common Cause

Kansas City Star: Kris Kobach, running for Kansas AG, still working for scandal-tainted border wall group

Washington-based Common Cause in 2019 filed a complaint with the Department of Justice, asking for an investigation. Campaign finance experts at the time pointed to the lack of a “paid for” disclosure in the message and said if Kobach didn’t pay a fair market price for access to the email list, it could be a violation of campaign finance law. “Any time a candidate for public office is associated with an outside political organization, it warrants scrutiny to make sure the candidate is not getting an unfair or even illegal boost from the outside organization,” Paul S. Ryan, Common Cause’s vice president of policy and litigation, said in an interview this week.

Money & Influence 02.11.2022

Politico: Inside the totally legal, fairly macabre, classically political world of the true Zombie PACs

“Political committees are [standalone] — free-standing corporations … separate from the humans who set them up,” said Paul Ryan, vice president of policy and litigation at the watchdog group Common Cause. “While it’s entirely fair to think of them as the alter ego, in the case of candidate committees, … as a legal matter, they go on in existence even in the event of the death of the candidate or officeholder who set them up.”

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