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Voting & Elections 08.27.2019

HuffPost: Indiana Can’t Kick Voters Off Rolls Without Warning, Appeals Court Says

“We are extremely pleased with this decision since it means that Indiana counties will have to follow federal law when maintaining their lists of registered voters and no Hoosier will be removed from the list without proper notice and a waiting period,” said Julia Vaughn, policy director of Indiana Common Cause. “Those safeguards are in the law for a reason and it is reassuring to know that Hoosier voters will be protected from unlawful purges in the future.”

Voting & Elections 05.15.2019

Miami Herald: The FBI classified the names of Florida’s hacked election offices. We contacted all 67.

“2016 proved that foreign governments have much to gain from meddling in our elections,” said Liza McClenaghan, chairwoman of the Florida board of voting advocacy group Common Cause. “More attacks are on the way.”

Money & Influence 02.6.2019

New York Daily News: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rails against 'broken' political finance laws, takes aim at Trump and 'bad guys'

“Now I’m elected, now I’m in, I got the power to draft, lobby and shape the laws that govern the United States of America. Fabulous,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “Now, is there any hard limit that I have in terms of what legislation I’m allowed to touch…based on the special interests funds that I accepted?” “There’s no limit,” said Karen Hobert Flynn, president of the nonpartisan watchdog group Common Cause. Ocasio-Cortzed continued, “I can be totally funded by oil and gas, totally funded by big pharma and come in and write pharma laws?” “That’s right,” Hobert Flynn said. Wrapping up, Ocasio-Cortez then added, “We have a system that is fundamentally broken.”

HuffPost: States And Cities Have Already Shown Democrats’ Election Reforms Will Work

“When lawmakers draw their own lines, they lose all of their philosophical ideals and they become ugly monsters that are willing to cut out competitors, punish people from the other party and try to draw the most protective district for themselves so they don’t have to face serious competition for the next 10 years,” said Kathay Feng, national redistricting director at the good government group Common Cause, which championed the creation of California’s commission.

Voting & Elections 06.25.2018

Associated Press: Voter Registration Error Affects Far More Than First Thought

Damon Effingham, acting director of the government watchdog group Common Cause, described the incident as "a catastrophic failure" of access to voting. "For decades, the MVA has been one of the main avenues for Americans to register to vote," Effingham said in a statement. "Tonight's news represents a catastrophic failure by the MVA in their duty to ensure every eligible Marylander has access to their right to vote." Effingham pointed out that the provisional ballots won't be counted until the second Wednesday after Tuesday's primary.

Voting & Elections 06.25.2018

Washington Post: As many as 80,000 voters will have to file provisional ballots, state says

Damon Effingham, acting director of the Maryland chapter of Common Cause, said it was "preposterous" that it took MVA officials four days to figure out the extent of the problem and that there is no system to ensure that its system is working properly. "Did people have an issue during early voting?" Effingham said. "If one person had a difficult time voting, that's one too many." Effingham said the issue illustrates the need for Election Day registration. The General Assembly this year passed a bill that will allow voters to decide whether to amend the state constitution to allow it. The question will be on the ballot in November.

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