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Voting & Elections 04.27.2020

Reuters: Coronavirus-spurred changes to Ohio's primary raise concerns about November

“We are extremely fortunate that this is the primary election,” said Catherine Turcer, executive director of the Ohio branch of Common Cause, a nonpartisan watchdog group. “If this were happening in November—and you can imagine the tsunami coming at boards of elections in November—they just couldn’t manage.”

Voting & Elections 04.24.2020

ABC News: ‘More time would have been helpful’: Ohio election officials face ballot issues due to postal service delays

Catherine Turcer, the executive director of Common Cause Ohio, said that for vote-by-mail to be successful in Ohio, should that be the default in November, the process needs to be streamlined. That means eliminating the additional back-and-forth of submitting an absentee ballot application.

Politico: How a tea party-linked group plans to turbocharge lockdown protests

Though their regularly stated goal is to relentlessly petition their state legislatures to call for an Article V convention, the coronavirus crisis presents a unique opportunity for their movement, said Jay Riestenberg of Common Cause, who has monitored the group and its involvement with other right-wing groups focused on state legislatures. “The Convention of States is interested in showing any type of image or anything that shows that people don’t like their government. I mean, that is their end goal, to overthrow the federal government and rewrite the Constitution,” Riestenberg said. “So this is a perfect opportunity for them to show that.”

Voting & Elections 04.21.2020

Philadelphia Inquirer: How hard will it be to vote during the coronavirus? It depends on where you live.

“It frustrates me that voting rights are a partisan fight,” said Suzanne Almeida, acting executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania.

Voting & Elections 04.20.2020

Associated Press: Restrictions on In-Person Voting Raise Troubling Questions

“I really don’t buy the argument that it can’t be done safely, because grocery stores are open now, essential businesses are open right now,” said Sylvia Albert of Common Cause. “The businesses that are open now are considered essential, and voting is essential.”

Voting & Elections 04.15.2020

Dallas Morning News: Texas voters who fear catching coronavirus can vote by mail, state judge rules

“Threatening to prosecute Texans who simply want to vote without endangering themselves, their families or their neighbors is just cruel,” said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause, a nonpartisan government watchdog group. “Everyone who works on voting rights or elections in Texas, including the secretary of state, has said this is a piece of law that is not clear, hence the litigation, and the judge made what we believe is the right call today.”

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