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Money & Influence 05.15.2024

Next Avenue (PBS): May the Biggest Wallet Win

"Strong majorities of Republican, Democratic and independent voters believe that there's too much 'big' and secret money in politics," says Aaron Scherb, spokesperson for Common Cause, a nonpartisan "citizens' lobby" working to ensure fair elections. The DISCLOSE (Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections) Act would rectify the glaring omission of dark money groups from FEC disclosure requirements. Some version of the DISCLOSE Act has been introduced every Congressional session since 2010—when it came within one vote of passing. "Republicans," says Scherb, "have repeatedly filibustered it in recent years." "With congressional Republicans continuing to block progress at the federal level, more and more states and municipalities have taken matters into their own hands and passed a variety of reforms," says Scherb. One effort is publicly funded campaigns with "small-donor matching systems" or block grants. More than three dozen states and municipalities have adopted some type of publicly financed elections. "These bills empower average Americans by matching their donations and make it possible for people of average means to run for office," says Scherb. "Passing reforms at the state and local level will create bottom up pressure on Congress to eventually do so at the federal level," he adds. Luckily, there are a number of nonpartisan groups working to reform our out-of-control campaign finance system. They act as FEC watchdogs, pushing for the commission to enforce violations (the six-member FEC — composed of three members of each party — often deadlocks), and advocate for legislative changes at all levels. Groups like Common Cause, Campaign Legal Center, End Citizens United and the League of Women Voters are all committed to campaign finance reform. The battle to rein in the influence of "big money" in campaigns won't happen overnight. With a reluctant Supreme Court and concerted partisan efforts to stymie legislation at the federal level, there is hard work ahead. "This is a marathon, not a sprint," warns Scherb. But he and others firmly believe it's a race that must be won. "Big money shouldn't dictate policy outcomes," Scherb says.

Money & Influence 04.17.2024

New York Times: Inside the Late-Night Parties Where Hawaii Politicians Raked In Money

“Pay-to-play is woven into the DNA of the statehood of Hawaii,” said Camron Hurt, director of Common Cause Hawaii, a watchdog group. He pointed to the 1893 overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom that led to an “oligarchy” of businessmen, sugar barons and large landowners lasting decades. The industries involved had close ties to the ruling political parties well into the 1960s and 1970s, when Hawaii’s campaign finance regulations were written.

Money & Influence 03.26.2024

Cincinnati Enquirer/Louisville Courier Journal: How conservative Florida groups pushed controversial child labor, SNAP bills in Kentucky

“This is not just some kind of organic, grassroots effort. It's a much more … deliberative, pernicious effort by big business,” said Aaron Scherb, the senior director of legislative affairs at Common Cause, a national watchdog group.

Associated Press: In the Kansas House, when lobbyists ask for new laws, their names go on the bills

“I’m thrilled to see it,” said Heather Ferguson, a Kansan who is director of operations for the government transparency group Common Cause. “It helps to rebuild some of the trust with the public in their elected officials and in their institutions and in the legislative process in general.” In some offices and hallways under the Kansas Statehouse’s copper dome, the response to the new practice has been less enthusiastic than Ferguson’s reaction, though lobbyists won’t publicly criticize it. Eric Stafford, who lobbies for the Kansas Chamber of Commerce, said he doesn’t care, “as long as it’s consistent.”

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Money, legal threats, power: A lawmaker-led firm’s ascent

Donations such as those from Talitrix and others with ties to the company are a relatively common practice for those who seek to influence public officials, but it’s concerning, said Aunna Dennis, executive director of the Georgia chapter of Common Cause, a government and ethics watchdog group. The current limit for county politicians is $3,300 for primary and general elections. Donating through related entities and family members helps skirt Georgia’s limits on individual giving, Dennis said. “It may not be illegal in Georgia, but it’s inappropriate,” Dennis said.

Money & Influence 02.22.2024

San Francisco Chronicle/San Jose Spotlight: Special Interests Spend Big In Silicon Valley Congressional Race

Sean McMorris, transparency, ethics and accountability program manager for California Common Cause, said super PACs are likely spending more in this race because it's an open seat. McMorris added that even if there's no coordination between candidates and the super PACs, these groups support candidates who they think would best protect the groups' interests. "It sends a strong message," McMorris told San Jose Spotlight. "They're hoping in one way or another that the candidate feels some type of obligation toward them once they're in office and with that obligation, that opens doors potentially for them to get access and influence over the candidate once they're actually seated." McMorris said looking at a super PAC's donors lets voters see which special interests support certain candidates. "At a minimum, they don't want to make any enemies," McMorris said. "All these special interests are fighting to get the person who -- out of all those candidates -- is going to be the most beneficial to them."

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