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Common Cause/NY Pushes for Details on Hochul’s 2M State of the State

"Common Cause/NY was surprised to read in the New York Times that the Governor spent $2M on outside consultants to help craft the State of State. New Yorkers deserve to know what they got for that seven figure expenditure of their tax dollars. The creeping privatization of government is an ongoing concern that Common Cause/NY has expressed repeatedly – specifically as it relates to the drain of talent away from public service – and we plan to FOIL the Comptroller for the contracts to further understand what New Yorkers paid for. It is unclear why it was necessary to outsource such an assignment to begin with."


Common Cause/NY: “Congressional Hearing in NYC is an Abuse of Power”


Common Cause/NY Responds to Proposed NYS Court Changes: “This is Not Reform”

"Independent courts are the last defense against fascism. Placing them under even more direct political control than they already are in New York undercuts our democracy and eliminates checks and balances. Addressing the very real need for court reform demands extensive public discussion leading to a thoughtful, nuanced approach enacted through a formal process with sufficient notice."


Common Cause/NY & Citizens Crime Commission Condemn U.S. House Attack on Democracy and Rule of Law in New York

"It is an unprecedented and gross abuse of power for the United States House of Representatives to even contemplate interfering in a criminal proceeding by threatening to direct a duly elected, sitting District Attorney in front of a House Committee for questioning. Congress has no jurisdiction over criminal matters in New York. The Manhattan District Attorney is exercising his proper authority to pursue the facts wherever they may lead, without fear or favor. Maintaining the independence of the Office of the District Attorney is integral to the functioning of our legal system, and Members of Congress who violate that sovereignty do so in flagrant disregard for our democracy. This is not just an attack on D.A. Bragg and the Assistant District Attorneys – all of whom are public servants – but on the rule of law and American democracy itself."


Common Cause/NY: Voters Deserve Answers on Unchecked Money

"The reports out of the Buffalo News and Times Union today demonstrate an ongoing and concerning trend of unaccountable money in politics. Voters deserve transparency, not the litany of end-runs around their right to know who is supporting campaigns and campaign materials. New Yorkers shouldn't have to tolerate coy dodges from Party Leaders and the people running American Opportunity; they deserve answers."


Common Cause/NY Responds to News that Gov May Sue the Senate Over LaSalle

"Common Cause/NY is horrified to learn that Governor Hochul is contemplating hiring a litigator at taxpayer expense to violate the Constitutionally protected separation of powers. Make no mistake: doing so would be a total abuse of power, and a brutal attack on a democratically elected institution..."

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