Press Release

Michiganders Approach Upcoming Recommended Deadline for Mailing In Absentee Ballots

LANSING, MI — Common Cause Michigan reminds Michiganders that Tuesday, Oct. 25 is the recommended date for voters to mail-in their absentee ballot so it can arrive on time.

LANSING, MI — Common Cause Michigan reminds Michiganders that Tuesday, Oct. 25 is the recommended date for voters to mail-in their absentee ballot so it can arrive on time. 

In order for the absentee ballot to be verified, the voter’s signature must be on the return envelope, as well as match the signature on file. If a Michigander received assistance voting on the ballot, then the signature of the person who helped them must also be on the return envelope. Voters can also deposit ballots in a secure drop box or return them to their clerk’s office. 

Elections officials must receive absentee ballots before 8 p.m. on Election Day, Nov. 8.

“With the midterms fast approaching, there are critical deadlines that voters must know about to make sure that their ballots will count and that they’ll have an easy, accessible voting process,” said Quentin Turner, Common Cause Michigan’s program director. “Absentee mail ballots should be mailed in by Tuesday, Oct. 25 to ensure that the ballot arrives to their clerk by 8 p.m. on Election Day.”

After Oct. 25, Common Cause Michigan recommends voters submit their ballot in-person. A list of approved places to submit the ballot can be found at:




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