Stopping Voter Suppression

Some elected officials are trying to silence voters by creating needless barriers to the ballot box. Common Cause is fighting back against these anti-democracy efforts.

We should be able to make our voices heard at the polls and have a say in the leaders who represent us. But sometimes, politicians push for laws that discourage, obstruct, or even intimidate voters in an effort to cling to their power.

Polling place closures, limits to vote-by-mail, and needlessly strict voter ID regulations can prevent eligible voters from casting their ballot—and lately, this playbook of voter suppression strategies has become more popular. Common Cause is stopping voter suppression by opposing these efforts in the legislature, in the courts, and beyond in defense of the right to vote.

What We’re Doing

Your financial support helps us make an impact by holding power accountable and strengthening democracy.



Michigan Can Do More in 2024

Press Release

Michigan Can Do More in 2024

Common Cause is encouraging both Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the Michigan Legislature to continue to prioritize our democracy and safeguard our elections this year.

Michigan Becomes First State to Register People to Vote as They Leave Prison

Press Release

Michigan Becomes First State to Register People to Vote as They Leave Prison

Today, Michigan became the first state to automatically register people to vote as they leave prison. Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed into law House Bill 4983 requiring Michigan’s secretary of state to coordinate with the Department of Corrections to register people upon their release from prison as part of an expansion of the state’s automatic voter registration (AVR) program.

Michigan Legislature Must ‘Prioritize Transparency’ In Passing Financial Disclosure Laws

Press Release

Michigan Legislature Must ‘Prioritize Transparency’ In Passing Financial Disclosure Laws

LANSING, MI — Following the Michigan Legislature’s introduction of HB 5248 - 5258 and SB 613 - 616 — two separate bill packages seeking to define which state officials and their immediate family should disclose their financials to the public and how — Common Cause Michigan is calling on the Legislature to pass legislation implementing comprehensive disclosure requirements.



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