Press Release

Michigan Primary Election TOMORROW, Aug. 2

“Tomorrow marks the primary elections, and Michiganders across the state are ready to make their voices heard and participate in a process that is the foundation of how our government functions."

LANSING, MI — Common Cause Michigan reminds Michiganders that this Tuesday, Aug. 2 is the primary for the 2022 elections.

Here are a few ways Michiganders can vote:

For absentee ballots:

  • In-person: Registered voters can request a take-home absentee ballot in-person at their local clerk’s office before 4 p.m. today, Monday, Aug. 1.
  • Online: We do not recommend requesting an absentee ballot online at this time, as the ballot may not get to voters before election day.

Here are voters’ options for returning their ballot:

  • In-person (traditional): Registered voters can vote at their precinct polling location on Tuesday, Aug. 2, as long as they are in line to vote by 8 p.m. Polls open at 7 a.m.
  • In-person (absentee): Michiganders can vote in-person at their clerk’s office on Tuesday, Aug. 2, as long as they are in the clerk’s office by 8 p.m.
  • Drop-off (absentee): Common Cause Michigan strongly recommends voters drop their ballot off at one of their designated drop-off locations, including drop boxes, satellite election offices or clerk’s offices. Voters can contact their clerk’s office or look up locations by entering their address here.
  • By mail (absentee): We do not recommend mailing your ballot, as it may not arrive in time to be counted.

Absentee ballots must be RECEIVED by a voter’s clerk’s office by 8 p.m. on Election Day.

REMINDER: In Michigan, voters are asked to present an acceptable photo ID in order to vote. Acceptable forms of ID can be found here. Voters who don’t have an acceptable form of ID or failed to bring one still can vote and have their ballots counted on Election Day. In this case, they will sign an affidavit stating that they’re not in possession of a photo ID. 

If Michiganders aren’t yet registered, the state allows Same Day registration with a valid ID and will allow voters to vote through 8 p.m. on election day at their clerk’s office. Voters can visit to check their registration status. Questions or problems about registering to vote can be directed to the Michigan Bureau of Elections at: They can also have questions answered by calling 866-OUR-VOTE. 

Additionally, voters can track their ballot, view what’s on the ballot and more online.

Statement of Quentin Turner, Common Cause Michigan Program Director 

“Tomorrow marks the primary elections, and Michiganders across the state are ready to make their voices heard and participate in a process that is the foundation of how our government functions.

However, voters must be prepared. There are several avenues as to how Michiganders can cast their ballots and ensure they’ll have an easy, accessible voting process. Absentee mail ballots should be submitted in-person to their clerk by 8 p.m. on Election Day tomorrow. If you haven’t received an absentee ballot, you can request one by 4 p.m. today. 

If Michiganders aren’t registered to vote yet, there is still time. Voters can register through Same Day registration on Election Day or by hand delivering a registration form to your clerk’s office. You can even vote via an absentee ballot on the same trip.

Voters who have questions or need assistance can call or text the Election Protection hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE, or speak with a volunteer at your voting location. The nonpartisan Election Protection program has been helping voters for more than two decades — and voters should take advantage of that expertise.

Remember: The sooner you get both your ballot application and ballot in, the easier it’ll be for our elections officials to carry out a safe, secure and accessible election, and the more likely your vote is to be counted.




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