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Boston Herald: Critics blast closed-door Massachusetts state budget deliberations

Government watchdogs and political figures are calling the House budget process a “charade,” a “joke” and a “scam” after the legislative body finished up four days of deliberations, conducted mostly behind closed doors.

WBUR: Proposed Mass. Campaign Finance Regulations Could Lower Union Political Contributions

“It's about limits being the same for everyone,” said Pam Wilmot, executive director of Common Cause Massachusetts. “Public confidence is important, and everybody needs to play by the same rules.”

MassLive: Groups want to make Massachusetts Legislature more open and transparent

A coalition of open government advocacy groups is recommending major changes to the rules governing Massachusetts' legislative process, in order to make the Legislature more accessible and open to the public. The groups also recommend broadening the state's public records law to apply to the governor's office, the Legislature and the judiciary.

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