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Common Cause Massachusetts Statement on Withholding of Police Records

Brief Common Cause Massachusetts statement on Boston Globe article that details public records failure through withholding of police records.

Money & Influence 02.24.2015

Common Cause Massachusetts Statement on Goldwater Institute Lawsuit

Common Cause Massachusetts Statement on Goldwater Institute Lawsuit against Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance

Ethics 01.30.2015

Common Cause Statement on Removal of Term Limits for Massachusetts House Speaker

Common Cause Statement on Removal of Term Limits for Massachusetts House Speaker

Ethics 01.28.2015

Statement of Common Cause Massachusetts about Term Limits for House Speaker

Common Cause MA statement against removing term limits for Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives

Money & Influence 01.14.2015

Studies Show Big Donors Dominated Competitive 2014 Congressional Races

Boston - Near the 5th anniversary of the Citizens United decision, public interest organizations working to eliminate big money in politics released reports detailing the effects this verdict has had on our government and elections.

Ethics 07.28.2014

Statement of Pam Wilmot & Common Cause Massachusetts on Probation Case Convictions

Today’s conviction means the jury was convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that John O’Brien, William Burke III, and Elizabeth Tavares violated federal laws when they hired unqualified politically connected applicants in order to curry favor with legislative leaders.

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