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What We're Reading, Week Ending Aug. 1

Major news stories of the week

Luxury Hotel Is Setting As Lobbyists, Lawmakers Convene In Private to Write Laws

Lobbyists and state legislators in the American Legislative Exchange Council have converged on Dallas this week to coordinate their efforts to pass business-friendly bills in statehouses across America.

Money & Influence 07.31.2014

Poll Shows Strong Support for Constitutional Amendment Reining in Big Money

A poll released today underscores the public's revulsion at the power of big money in politics and its support for campaign finance reform

Voting & Elections 07.29.2014

Will Rand Paul 'Walk the Talk' On Voting Rights?

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul says he's a Republican who wants the federal government to vigorously protect voting rights. Can he bring more of his GOP brethren to that cause?

Voting & Elections 07.29.2014

ALEC Agenda Suppresses Voting Rights in Texas, Nationally

As ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, convenes in Dallas for its annual conference, Common Cause focuses on the group's efforts to suppress voting rights across the country.

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