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Voting & Elections 05.7.2016

Indiana should let citizens play key role in redistricting

The Special Interim Committee should be called upon and encouraged to draft a strong reform proposal which should include a citizen-led redistricting commission that will draw districts according to a set of statutory guidelines. Reform of the redistricting process before the next round of maps are drawn in 2021 is critical to the future of the electoral process.

Voting & Elections 05.3.2016

Independent process to congressional redistricting may be solution for Georgia

The time for independent redistricting reform in Georgia is now. States similar to Georgia are already tackling this tough issue.

Voting & Elections 05.2.2016

Gerrymander Gazette - October 2016

Welcome to the third edition of the Gerrymander Gazette, Common Cause’s newsletter on redistricting reform efforts around the country.

Voting & Elections 04.14.2016

Our ‘Country Club,’ Tis of Thee?

In Evenwel, two plaintiffs from Texas scouted by Blum asked the Supreme Court to re-interpret fundamental principles of our democracy by drawing lines based on voters only, and making invisible millions of our family, friends, and neighbors who are not voters.

Voting & Elections 04.13.2016

Nebraska Legislature Sends Redistricting Reform Bill to Governor’s Desk

Today the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature passed LB 580, a bill that would create a nine-person independent citizens commission tasked with redrawing congressional and state legislative districts after each census.

Voting & Elections 03.23.2016

NC A&T students speak out on campus gerrymandering

Students at NC A&T State University, the nation's largest historically black college or university, recently spoke out against new congressional voting maps that leave their campus split into two districts.

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