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For media inquiries please contact: Dera Silvestre at dsilvestre@commoncause.org and 617-807-4032

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Voting & Elections 06.30.2023

Delaware House Passes Controversial Corporate Voting Rights Amendment

"Corporations have no place in our elections — full stop."

Money & Influence 05.10.2023

Common Cause Delaware strongly opposes bill to allow “artificial entities” to vote in municipal elections

Common Cause Delaware strongly opposes bill to allow “artificial entities” to vote in municipal elections

Money & Influence 01.19.2023

Common Cause Delaware Urges Lawmakers to Improve Campaign Finance Reporting

"Where’s the money coming from? Delaware voters deserve to know who is funding political campaigns and how those campaigns are spending that money to influence our vote."

Money & Influence 08.15.2022

Common Cause Delaware Calls for Better Campaign Finance Reporting

As campaign finance reports for primary candidates are made publicly available today, Common Cause Delaware calls for more regular and detailed reporting.

House Committee to Consider Campaign Finance Bill

Three of its reforms were recommended in 2013 Veasey Report - Legislature urged to also ban corporate contributions as ‘Unfinished Business’

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