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A list of news coverage related to Common Cause in Connecticut's priority issues and advocacy work.

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Money & Influence 05.1.2024

Alex Knopp (opinion): Will CT become a front in the disinformation war waged by foreign actors?

"As the next presidential election draws nearer, we have every reason to believe that our foes will ramp up their efforts to covertly influence American voters."

Voting & Elections 03.14.2024

Connecticut attorney general warns that ‘ranked choice voting’ could violate state Constitution

Cheri Quickmire weighs in on recent pushes for ranked choice voting in Connecticut.

Voting & Elections 02.2.2024

Connecticut attorney general warns that ‘ranked choice voting’ could violate state Constitution

Cheri Quickmire weighs in on recent pushes for ranked choice voting in Connecticut.

Voting & Elections 02.2.2024

Here are the new laws going into effect in Connecticut on January 1st

An overview of the legislation that will go into effect in 2024.

Voting & Elections 10.2.2023

CT Insider: CT’s absentee ballot boxes are under fire amid Bridgeport investigation. Here’s what to know

"This does not demonstrate a problem with the boxes. It demonstrates a problem with the local officials in Bridgeport."

Voting & Elections 05.2.2023

Darien Times: Despite support, early voting won’t start in CT this year. Here’s why.

Cheri Quickmire talks about the disappointing response from state officials on early voting.

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