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Connecticut Bans Foreign Interference in Ballot Measures

“Foreign money has no place in local democracy."

Common Cause in CT Addresses Bridgeport Ballot Stuffing Allegations

“We will watch this situation closely as it develops, and we will continue to speak up against those who intend to sow doubt in the integrity of our elections.”

Voting & Elections 09.15.2023

Urgent Funding Needed for Reliable Tabulators and Upgrades

Common Cause in Connecticut joined other advocacy groups on Thursday to call for Governor Ned Lamont to release funding to get new voting equipment in place before the 2024 election. 

Money & Influence 06.9.2023

Connecticut Legislature Commits to Citizens’ Election Fund for Gubernatorial Candidates

"This is a continuation of Common Cause’s late President Karen Hobert Flynn’s work to make campaigning for office accessible to all Connecticut residents — not just the wealthiest among us."

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