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HuffPost: Let’s Call The Supreme Court’s Gerrymander Inaction What It Really Is: A GOP Win

If the Supreme Court does someday set limits on partisan gerrymandering, the details of the new standard will affect how quickly challengers can move to strike down a map. Kathay Feng, national redistricting director at Common Cause, said the court could require challengers to wait a few elections to show that one party had obtained a durable advantage. Alternatively, the court could require challengers to show only that the party in power intentionally drew a map to put the other party at a disadvantage. A more aggressive standard like that, Feng said, would allow lawsuits to move forward sooner.

Voting & Elections 06.11.2018

Associated Press: Federal Judge Blocks Indiana Voter Registration Law

Pratt said in her ruling that Common Cause "has a high likelihood of success" on its claim that the law violates some of the requirements of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 and "threatens disenfranchisement of eligible voters."

Voting & Elections 06.11.2018

Supreme Court Clears Ohio Voter Roll Purges

“Every American deserves the chance to make their voice heard in our elections without fear of election officials targeting them because of their voting history,” said Common Cause president Karen Hobert Flynn. “But regardless of how the Court dressed up today’s ruling, the narrow majority just took another hostile step against the right to vote. The laws in most states are more protective of infrequent voters than the one the Court approved in Ohio. Still, many partisan officials are doubtless already studying this morning’s decision as a blueprint for disenfranchising political opponents. And we are prepared to fight back against further erosions to the right to vote.

Voting & Elections 06.8.2018

HuffPost: Indiana Law That Would Cancel Voter Registrations Is Blocked

“We are pleased by the Court’s decision ― it will protect the freedom to vote for thousands of Hoosiers who risked unlawful disenfranchisement from the deeply flawed Crosscheck Program,” Common Cause Chief of Strategy Stephen Spaulding said Friday. “Common Cause is committed to doing everything it can to ensure that every eligible voter can make their voice heard in our democracy.”

Voting & Elections 05.17.2018

Whistleblower: Cambridge Analytical Worked to Suppress Voter Turnout

Former Cambridge Analytical researcher Christopher Wylie says the firm spread information geared to keeping African-Americans away from the polls

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