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A Bit of Wisdom, Laced with Humor, on Graduation Day

The valedictorian at a Kentucky High School borrowed part of his speech from a presidential commencement address -- with a special twist for the audience.

Money & Influence 05.10.2018

Women Setting Records As Candidates, Donors

The #MeToo movement may be felt at the ballot box this year.

Voting & Elections 04.18.2018

Cuomo Restoring Voting Rights to NY Parolees

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo will restore the voting rights of more than 34,000 parolees in the Empire State.


50 Years Later, King's Message Still Resonates

Money & Influence 12.1.2016

Individual and PAC Giving to Women Candidates

Individual and PAC Giving to Women Candidates is part of a collaborative project between the Center for Responsive Politics, Common Cause and Representation2020.

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