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Net Neutrality

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Media & Democracy 05.16.2018

Broadcasting & Cable: Senate CRA Vote Gets D.C. Buzzing

"Despite the influence from big cable and telecommunications companies who have poured oceans of money in their attempt to kill net neutrality rules, the Senate stood on the side of the American people in voting to pass this resolution," said Michael Copps, special advisor to Common Cause and former Democratic FCC chairman.

Media & Democracy 05.9.2018

“Red Alert for Net Neutrality” Hitting the Hill Today

Senators are the target of a massive email, social media, and in-person campaign today to round up 51 votes for a resolution restoring net neutrality protections rolled back earlier this year by the Federal Communications Commission.

Media & Democracy 05.9.2018

Common Cause Supports Senate Discharge Petition to Restore Net Neutrality Rules

Statement of Michael Copps, former FCC Commissioner & Common Cause Special Advisor With the discharge petition filed, the Senate has an opportunity to take a major step forward in restoring the net neutrality rules.  The internet belongs to everyone and is vital to a functioning democracy. Whether accessing news and information, applying for jobs, starting a business, or doing homework, millions of Americans rely on equal access to the internet. It’s no surprise that the most recent polls show an overwhelming majority of Americans support the net neutrality rules. With this Senate vote, the American people will know who’s looking out for them and who’s looking out for the interests of the big internet service providers. People back home are watching, Senators, and they will remember in November how you voted in May.

Media & Democracy 03.6.2018

The Silence of the Bought

The U.S. Capitol grounds came alive last week as Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts and Rep. Mike Doyle of Pennsylvania convened an energy-filled rally in support of overturning the FCC’s recent decision to abolish the rules providing for net neutrality and an open internet.

Media & Democracy 03.1.2018

Oregon Set To Enforce Net Neutrality Protections

Oregon is on the verge of joining a growing list of states that are stepping up to protect the free flow of information online in the wake of the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to repeal “net neutrality” protections.

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