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Orlando Sentinel: Florida ethics overhaul will leave corruption unchecked, watchdog groups warn

Common Cause Florida and eight other advocacy groups are urging DeSantis to veto the bill, which they say would erect an “unreasonable barrier” and deter people from filing ethics complaints against politicians and public officials. For instance, complaints could not be filed based solely on investigative news articles. “This isn’t about minimizing frivolous complaints; this is about making complaints almost impossible,” Amy Keith, executive director of Common Cause Florida, said in a prepared statement. “The people of Florida deserve accountability and transparency and the right to demand it of officials.”

Voting & Elections 03.18.2024

NBC News: Wisconsin is lagging behind other swing states in shoring up election policies following 2020 chaos

Jay Heck, the executive director Common Cause Wisconsin, the state’s branch of the national nonpartisan government watchdog group, added that the consequences could be dire if the right mix of circumstances were to emerge on or following Election Day. “It could all explode,” he said. The April 2 primary ballot in Wisconsin will ask voters to decide on two proposed constitutional amendments that critics contend are byproducts of conspiracy theories touted by election deniers. “[Passage of these amendments] is likely to leave election clerks all over the state of Wisconsin without the resources to run elections smoothly,” Heck said.

Voting & Elections 03.5.2024

Houston Chronicle: His life became a 'nightmare' when he went viral for voting in Texas. The trauma still lingers.

Rogers' instinct could be correct, according to Anthony Gutierrez, the executive director of Common Cause Texas. “Cases like this can absolutely have a chilling effect, and you have to wonder if that’s part of the point,” Gutierrez said. “The state could very easily take proactive steps to ensure people who are starting probation or parole are clearly told how their legal status impacts their ability to vote.”

Money & Influence 03.1.2024

Honolulu Star Advertiser: 5 Questions: Camron Hurt, of Common Cause Hawaii

What aspect of “good government” does Hawaii do well, and where does it need the most improvement? Hawaii is truly a dynamic state. Areas of good governance that Hawaii does well include human rights as well as establishing safe avenues for citizen participation in democracy. However, this is simply not enough as we continue to struggle with participation in democracy, transparency and strategic vision. Perhaps the aspect of good governance that is most missing from our state would be strong and pragmatic anti-corruption safeguards and laws.

Money & Influence 02.22.2024

Oregon Public Broadcasting: Campaign finance limits crafted by major donors will now go before Oregon lawmakers

“We would love to see the legislature accomplish this critical issue for our democracy,” Common Cause Oregon, one of the ballot measure’s backers, said in a statement. “Unfortunately, the current proposal does not serve the goals we support.”

Democracy Docket: Wisconsin Governor Signs Fair Legislative Maps in Historic and Long-Awaited Victory for Voters

Common Cause Wisconsin hailed the signing of the maps, writing in a statement that “the citizens and voters of Wisconsin have prevailed.”

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