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Voting & Elections 07.9.2015

Common Cause, Allies, Win Major Victory Over Gerrymandering in Florida

Florida’s highest court has delivered a major victory to Common Cause and other opponents of gerrymandering, tossing out a set of congressional districts drawn to protect Republican lawmakers and ordering the state legislature to fashion new districts.

Voting & Elections 07.7.2015

Common Cause Discusses Redistricting Reform on Oregon Community Radio

Common Cause National Redistricting Coordinator Dan Vicuna and Oregon Executive Director Kate Titus went on Oregon community radio to discuss the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision upholding the right of the people to create unbiased citizen redistricting commissions.

Voting & Elections 07.1.2015

VIDEO: Good news in the fight against gerrymandering

The Supreme Court gave us some good news in the fight against gerrymandering when it upheld Arizona's independent redistricting commission earlier this week. I went on the Thom Hartmann show to talk through what it means.

Voting & Elections 06.30.2015

Opinion Analysis: Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission

Yesterday the Supreme Court of the United States affirmed the right of the people to find creative policy solutions to end congressional gerrymandering.

Voting & Elections 06.29.2015

Common Cause Hails Supreme Court Decision Upholding Citizen Redistricting

Today’s decision affirms Abraham Lincoln’s declaration that ours is a government of, by and for the people.

Voting & Elections 06.10.2015

Pennsylvania Legislators Unveil Working Group Aimed at Ending Gerrymandering

Last week, a bipartisan bicameral group of Pennsylvania lawmakers joined for a press conference to announce the formation of a working group seeking to draft and pass comprehensive redistricting legislation. Led by Senator Lisa Boscola (D-Northampton), the group aims to empower representative government by reforming a mechanism that has led to the system becoming “politically tainted, polarized, and gridlocked.”

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