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Indiana Capital Chronicle: A little-known nonprofit boosts Indiana’s economic development agency

“This is an area where a lot of money is involved. The state is offering big incentives involving our tax dollars to corporations, and Hoosiers deserve to know the backstory,” said Julia Vaughn, who leads government watchdog Common Cause Indiana. “But I think the IEDC and its foundation: their structure often stops that from happening.” Vaughn said her organization expressed transparency-related concerns when the state swapped its commerce department for the corporation-foundation combination. “I’m afraid our worst fears have come true,” she concluded. “… It’s simply another way for these corporate interests to flex their muscle, and in a way that happens completely in the dark.”

Voting & Elections 07.30.2023

Honolulu Civil Beat: Editorial Board Interview: Camron Hurt Of Common Cause Hawaii

The Civil Beat Editorial Board spoke on Tuesday with the program director of Common Cause Hawaii. Camron Hurt said the organization under his leadership will focus on elections, voting access, government transparency and campaign finance reform. Hurt began by explaining what Common Cause does.

Boston Globe: Healey created a nonprofit to bankroll her transition into office. But, the donors are secret, and so is how much they gave her.

Geoff Foster, executive director of Common Cause Massachusetts, said while Healey’s use of the nonprofit is legal, it’s an example of why the state needs stronger disclosure laws to dispel any appearance of undue influence on an elected official. “While we know there are precedents for this practice, for us at Common Cause it’s always concerning when private donations to public officials are not fully disclosed,” Foster said.

Money & Influence 06.21.2023

News Nation: Campaign finance rules blurred by super PAC backing DeSantis

“We’ve seen…candidates really pushing the envelope here, and there has been a rise in single-candidate super PACs,” said Stephen Spaulding, Vice President of Common Cause, a group dedicated to lessening the impact of special interests in government and politics. “You have super PACs essentially operating as arms of campaigns — only they can take unlimited amounts of money from nearly any source,” Spaulding said. “It’s time for Congress to step in and pass legislation to make clear that independent spending is supposed to be truly independent,” Common Cause’s Spaulding said.

Voting & Elections 06.21.2023

Houston Chronicle/Texas Tribune: Gov. Greg Abbott vetoes bill that would give people with disabilities new option to vote by mail

“Greg Abbott either didn’t read this bill closely enough to understand what it really does or is deliberately working to make it harder for Texans with disabilities to vote,” Katya Ehresman, the voting rights manager for Common Cause Texas, said in a statement.

Houston Chronicle: Dan Patrick’s $125,000 loan to Ken Paxton adds to conflicts in Senate impeachment trial

"The fact that the trial is taking place in the state Senate means there is going to be politics involved," said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, a nonpartisan organization focused on government accountability. "Texans still should expect fairness and impartiality and you’re not going to get that if you have senators with conflicts serving as jurors." The financial connection to Patrick could be an especially significant red flag, given Patrick’s position in the process, said Gutierrez. “His role is so much bigger,” Gutierrez said. “Any appearance of a conflict is probably more serious because he’s the one presumably presiding over this trial." “You wouldn’t want the judge in a trial to be someone who has a financial relationship with the defendant, and that seems to be the case here,” Gutierrez said.

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