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Guilty Plea & Indictments Against Trump Campaign Officials Show Need to Safeguard Mueller’s Russia Investigation

Today’s guilty plea by Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos for lying to investigators about his contacts with Russian nationals with ties to high-level Kremlin officials during the campaign and the indictments against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his deputy Richard Gates, hammer home the need to allow Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation to run its course without interference.

Report Links Interior Secy. Zinke to 'Scam PACs'

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has been drumming up business for a group of Washington-based political consultants who some of his fellow Republicans have accused of ripping off party donors.

Trump Bypassing Senate to Install Nominees in Top Jobs

The Trump administration may be violating a federal law that requires the president to wait for the Senate to confirm his nominees for senior government positions before putting those nominees to work.

McCain, Biden, and Politics In the Trump Era

On Monday night in Philadelphia’s historic Independence Hall, John McCain and Joe Biden, fiercely partisan adversaries who hoped to be president, showed off a friendship that transcends politics on Monday and recalled a time when Democrats and Republicans in Washington could put country over party to actually get things done.

Trump’s Threat Against NBC Broadcast License an Attempt to Intimidate

“This madcap threat, if pursued, would be blatant and unacceptable intervention in the decisions of an independent agency. The law does not countenance such interference."

Mike Pence's Sunday Stunt

The vice president's gesture of 'respect' for the flag betrays disrespect for the Americans he's supposed to be serving

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