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Washington Post: House Democrats to unveil political reform legislation as ‘H.R. 1’

The effort was applauded Friday by the government watchdog Common Cause. “Congress is finally listening to the growing demands for reform from the American people,” the group’s president, Karen Hobert Flynn, said in a statement. “On Election Day, voters from coast-to coast sent a clear message that we are ready for bold, comprehensive democracy reforms.”

Voting & Elections 11.30.2018

HR 1 Shows Congress is Beginning to Listen to the American People’s Demands for Reform

Congress is finally listening to the growing demands for reform from the American people. That H.R. 1 will be a sweeping set of pro-democracy reforms is an encouraging sign that the new Congress has its priorities in line with the will of the people. On Election Day, voters from coast-to-coast sent a clear message that we are ready for bold, comprehensive democracy reforms. Tired of the status quo, Americans passed nearly two dozen ballot initiatives across the nation ranging from redistricting reforms, ethics, same day and automatic voter registration to citizen-funded elections measures to ensure that the people have a voice in their democracy. These passed in red states, blue states, and purple states alike with strong support from Republicans, Democrats, and Independents.

Money & Influence 11.30.2018

Detroit News: FEC Dismisses Complaint Against Kid Rock Over His Fake Senate Campaign

"That is not the vindication that Kid Rock or his lawyers would perhaps like the public to believe. There was no vindication here," said Paul S. Ryan, the vice president for policy and litigation at Common Cause. "A lot of people considered Donald Trump’s campaign to be celebrity parody in its early stages, and the Republicans don't acknowledge that in any way," Ryan added. "It's just a very weak basis for them not to pursue enforcement here."

Money & Influence 11.23.2018

NBC News: Everybody Knows These Democrats Will Probably Run for President — So Why Won't They Just Say It?

“It's a charade played by candidates,” said campaign finance expert Paul S. Ryan of the good government group Common Cause. “Their lawyers have told them, 'Keep your mouth shut, because if you don’t, there are legal ramifications. But the FEC will let us get away with it if you just stay quiet.'”

Money & Influence 11.16.2018

TIME / Center for Public Integrity: GOP Megadonor Miriam Adelson is Winning a Medal. But are Republicans Losing the Political Money War?

“Both major parties have a dependence on big money donors that undermines democracy,” said Paul S. Ryan, vice president for policy and litigation at the nonprofit watchdog group Common Cause.

Voting & Elections 11.14.2018

New York Times: In Florida Recount Fight, Democratic Lawyer Draws Plaudits and Fire

“He’s doing really important work for voting rights that benefits all voters, but he’s also pushed for a deregulation of money in politics that serves the interests of the wealthy,” said Paul S. Ryan, the vice president of policy and litigation for the nonpartisan government watchdog group Common Cause.

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