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Nice Try, ALEC

We’ve exposed them for running a tax scam and a secretive “war on democracy.” We’ve documented how their “scholarship” program works as a slush fund to cover the cost of trips to luxury resorts for state legislators and how their corporate members ghostwrite legislation. We’ve worked with allies to successfully encourage dozens of corporations to abandon them.

5 ways ALEC denies climate science

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a secretive corporate lobbying group funded by big oil companies and the Koch brothers, recently threatened legal action against Common Cause for calling them “climate change deniers.” So, it begs the question: Does ALEC’s complaint have merit? Well, here are the facts:

ALEC Tries to Silence Critics, Threatens Legal Action Against Common Cause

Facing unprecedented public scrutiny and a parade of desertions by some of the nation’s largest corporations, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is threatening potential legal action in an attempt to silence one of its critics – Common Cause.

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