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Voting & Elections 06.3.2014

New Urgency to Close Phony Issue Ad Loophole in Wisconsin in Wake of Federal Judge's Order to Halt Investigation

Press release on John Doe investigation


Citizen Forum on State Political and Campaign Finance Reform at UW Eau Claire this Monday Evening


Full Public Financing of Wisconsin Supreme Court Elections Is the Only Viable Solution

The current election for the Wisconsin Supreme Court is not likely to be the high spending special interest frenzy that the court elections in 2007 and 2008 were. But it is still very nasty and charges continue to fly about how campaign contributions influence the candidates, further eroding public confidence in the impartiality and integrity of Wisconsin's highest court.


Citizen Forum on State Political Corruption, Elections And Reform in Wisconsin at Uw-Madison this Monday Evening


Republican-controlled Assembly not only did not pass any campaign finance reform this session

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