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Money & Influence 01.22.2024

Common Cause Texas Denounces the Lack of Contribution Limits for State Officials  

Since November 2023, Governor Greg Abbott and Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, neither of whom are on the ballot in 2024, received nearly $10 million combined in individual-donor contributions to their political campaigns. 

Voting & Elections 09.6.2022

Low Scores from Texas’ Congressional Delegation on Common Cause’s 2022 Democracy Scorecard

Common Cause releases its 2022 “Democracy Scorecard,” finds growing support for democracy reform despite low scores from Texas' delegation.

Voting & Elections 01.14.2022

After SB 1, Common Cause Texas urges all voters to ‘be your own advocates for your freedom to vote’

Amid news reports that at least two counties are having to reject about half of mail ballot applications, Common Cause Texas is urging voters to check the status of their applications and re-apply, if necessary, before next month’s deadline.

Voting & Elections 09.2.2021

Texas Senate Passes Bill Encouraging Partisan Election Challenges

This is partisan grandstanding at the expense of taxpayers. Common Cause Texas strongly urges the House to vote no on this dangerous legislation and instead focus on preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus that has killed more than 55,000 of our fellow Texans and has more than 13,000 in the hospital fighting for their lives. 

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