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Voting & Elections 02.22.2023

New Common Cause Report: Texas Voters Faced Preventable Challenges at the Polls in 2022

New Common Cause Texas report on the 2022 election cycle details how Texas, one of the hardest states to vote in, fell short in serving voters

Voting & Elections 01.9.2023

How Common Cause Texas Will Fight Voter Suppression Efforts

Voting access will be a major issue as Texas's state legislature gavels in on Tuesday.

Voting & Elections 09.6.2022

Low Scores from Texas’ Congressional Delegation on Common Cause’s 2022 Democracy Scorecard

Common Cause releases its 2022 “Democracy Scorecard,” finds growing support for democracy reform despite low scores from Texas' delegation.

Voting & Elections 08.15.2022

Press Statement: Gillespie County Elections Staff Resign Over Death Threats, Stalking

The director and staff of a Texas county resigned Monday from their position because of threats and harassment.

Common Cause Texas Calls on Rep. Louie Gohmert to Resign Immediately

Rep. Louie Gohmert's requested a presidential pardon from Trump following the Jan. 6 attack.

Voting & Elections 01.14.2022

After SB 1, Common Cause Texas urges all voters to ‘be your own advocates for your freedom to vote’

Amid news reports that at least two counties are having to reject about half of mail ballot applications, Common Cause Texas is urging voters to check the status of their applications and re-apply, if necessary, before next month’s deadline.

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