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For all media inquiries contact: Executive director Philip Hensley-Robin at 610-203-2364 or phensleyrobin@commoncause.org Communications strategist Dera Silvestre at dsilvestre@commoncause.org or 617-807-4032

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Voting & Elections 06.29.2023

Voting Rights Watchdog on Pennsylvania Senate Failure to Vote on Schmidt Nomination

“Congratulations to Secretary Schmidt, and we look forward to working alongside you to ensure that all voters are able to safely and securely cast their ballots.”

Voting & Elections 05.11.2023

Common Cause PA and League of Women Voters PA intervened to stop Judicial Watch purge in 2020

Common Cause PA and League of Women Voters PA intervened to stop Judicial Watch purge in 2020

Voting & Elections 01.9.2023

Pennsylvania Protects Our Constitution Coalition Opposes State Government Committee’s Amendments

Statement by a coalition led by Common Cause Pennsylvania on the constitutional amendments proposed by the Senate State Government Committee.

Voting & Elections 01.6.2023

Schmidt “Uniquely Qualified” for Pennsylvania Secretary of State Role

“Schmidt’s experience on Philadelphia’s elections board demonstrates his commitment to secure and accurate elections, and his dedication to the people of Pennsylvania."

Voting & Elections 01.5.2023

Representative Mark Rozzi’s Speakership “A Breath of Fresh Air”  

"I share Rep. Rozzi’s frustration at the broken communication and unwillingness to compromise that we’ve seen in the legislature these last few weeks. His vision for this year’s session — and his commitment to work in the interest of the people of Pennsylvania — is a breath of fresh air."

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