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For all media inquiries contact: Executive director Philip Hensley-Robin at 610-203-2364 or phensleyrobin@commoncause.org Communications strategist Dera Silvestre at dsilvestre@commoncause.org or 617-807-4032

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Voting & Elections 12.4.2020

Common Cause Pennsylvania Condemns GOP State Legislators’ Attempt to Undermine Pennsylvania Popular Vote

In America, voters pick our leaders -- our leaders do not pick and choose which voices to heed and which to silence. Common Cause Pennsylvania strongly condemns this blatant and undemocratic attempt by partisan operatives to undermine the will of the voters in Pennsylvania.

Voting & Elections 05.28.2020

Pennsylvania Voters Urged to Take Steps to Have their Voices Heard

Today marks less than a week before the June 2 primary election. The Pennsylvania Election Protection Coalition is urging any voter who plans to vote by mail but has not yet sent the ballot back to mail it immediately or drop it off at locations designated by their county instead. Voters who have questions or problems voting, either by mail or in-person, should call the nonpartisan “Election Protection Hotline” where volunteers will be able to answer their questions.

Voting & Elections 07.9.2019

We Applaud State Investment in Voting Security, But There is Still More to Be Done

This funding is essential in helping to ensure secure and accurate elections here in Pennsylvania. Common Cause Pennsylvania, along with several key coalition partners, worked diligently and tirelessly throughout the legislative session to gain support from legislators, stakeholders and citizens, imploring them on the monumental importance of acquiring new machines for our future elections.

Voting & Elections 10.26.2014

Swing State Voting Report Finds Improvement in Pennsylvania Laws Urges More

Pennsylvania's law allowing voters to register online is an important step toward boosting voter turnout, but the state has more work to do to encourage registration and give voters more options on where they cast their ballots, Common Cause says in a report released today.

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