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Senate Bill 22 Only a Half Measure to Fix Gerrymandering

On Tuesday, May 22nd the Senate State Government Committee took a small step in the right direction toward fixing our broken redistricting process, but there is much more work to be done. Committee Chairs Mike Folmer, Anthony Williams and their colleagues responded to the outcry of Senator Lisa Boscola, concerned citizens, and reformers to fix the dysfunctional way Pennsylvania handles the drawing of congressional and legislative districts.

Common Cause Pennsylvania Announces Democracy Works Summit 2018 May 21st & 22nd Focusing on Upcoming Census & Fight to End Gerrymandering  

Common Cause Pennsylvania and Executive Director Micah Sims are pleased to announce a two-day DEMOCRACY WORKS SUMMIT in Philadelphia, May 21 – 22, 2018 focusing on the upcoming census and efforts to end “gerrymandering” - the undemocratic practice of drawing legislative districts for political advantage. Panel discussions will feature leaders of national and state advocacy campaigns to reform our broken redistricting system. We will discuss the critical upcoming 2020 census, its administration, outreach and the impact undercounting could have for Pennsylvania and America.


Meet the Philly-born minister now heading Common Cause Pa.

Micah Sims grew up in West Philadelphia’s Wynnefield neighborhood, attended city public schools, played basketball at William Penn High School, graduated from Villanova (Class of 1991), and earned a master’s degree in divinity from Lancaster Theological Seminary. He’s a fifth-generation minister. He’s also the new executive director of Common Cause Pa., based in Harrisburg. He replaced Barry Kauffman as head of the non-partisan, good-government organization. Kauffman held the post for 30 years. Sims, 49, was working in the ministry in Philly in the 1990s when he started to get involved in politics. He helped local candidates with filing petitions, volunteered for Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign, and was a statewide faith outreach deputy director for the president’s 2012 reelection campaign. After the 2008 elections, Sims did a Philly radio show for two years, New Day With Micah Sims, on WNWR-AM (1540).


Sunday News Show Discusses New Congressional Maps In PA


Pennsylvania wants maps that are fair to voters

In our role as a leading non-partisan organization supporting redistricting reform, Common Cause Pennsylvania champions transparency and voter rights. We fight for solutions that enable disenfranchised residents to feel connected to the democracy that is supposed to serve our interests. Pennsylvanians want maps that are fair to all, and we believe the map the Pennsylvania Supreme Court approved on Feb. 20 makes significant strides toward achieving that goal. The new map adheres to the Voting Rights Act and exhibits fairness, equality, and competitiveness. The state court’s map embraces neutral criteria that make it harder to manipulate districts for political advantage. These criteria include compactness, contiguity, keeping communities of interest together, and minimal county and municipal splits. We were pleased to see that the court prioritized the right of the people to fair representation over the partisanship that drove the creation of the previous congressional map. No map is perfect, but Pennsylvanians finally have districts that allow the people to hold our elected officials accountable. These districts are far more likely to produce a congressional delegation that accurately reflects Pennsylvania’s politics. This map advances democracy and representation for the 12.8 million residents of our state and will finally allow the voters to choose their representatives --- and not the other way around. The state Supreme Court is well within its rights to issue a map after ruling that congressional districts drawn in 2011 were unconstitutionally gerrymandered. Both parties had a chance to submit a fair and balanced replacement map, but failed to arrive at a consensus. Instead, the legislature submitted a map that generated serious concern from voters because it did nothing to address the unfairness of the previous map. Republicans leaders announced that they are appealing the map to the U.S. Supreme Court. Their suit is a legal longshot and a waste of taxpayer dollars designed to reinstate a map that has already been deemed unconstitutional by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. We thank the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for forging an electoral map out of the ashes of the legislature’s failure so the people can once again vote in congressional districts that are fair and responsive. Rather than filing a lawsuit to revert to maps that failed to reflect our diverse communities, we call on all parties to come to the table in the spirit of transparency and bipartisanship and use the court's map as a starting point on any further discussions about preserving voter rights and ensuring the accurate representation of the residents of the Commonwealth. Recent developments have shown that Pennsylvania’s method for redistricting is extensively flawed. Under the current system, which will again be in place in 2021 despite this recent court victory, self-interested politicians can draw congressional districts behind closed doors for political advantage without regard to the needs of our communities. This system perpetuates the myth that control of redistricting is a political spoil of war to be weaponized against adversaries instead of an important democratic process that ensures fair and equal representation. We continue to join with our partners across the state in echoing the call to fix this undemocratic process. This shouldn’t be a partisan issue; for the sake of our commonwealth, it can’t be a partisan issue. Redistricting should not be left to the Legislature to carry out behind closed doors. It’s time for Pennsylvania to establish an independent commission of unbiased citizens with no direct personal or political stake in the outcome to direct the redistricting process. Let’s use the bitter process we just witnessed as incentive to chart a better course. Right now, we have a good map in place that addresses a lot of the concerns that have plagued our electoral process for more than six years. Fortunately, the map arrives in time to bring a renewed sense of fairness to primaries that are quickly approaching in the coming weeks. Voters should feel excited about this map --- empowered with the knowledge that they have a voice that counts when they elect representatives to the United States Congress. We encourage every eligible resident to get ready to vote on May 15. — Micah Sims is Executive Director of Common Cause Pennsylvania

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