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Vote-by-Mail in Ohio: Planning for November

A follow up to our 5/6 Webinar on Vote-By-Mail, with answers to more of your questions.


Educate the public, plan for future elections, and demand open government

COVID-19 pandemic brought a last minute postponement of Ohio's in-person primary election. Here's information on how you can still participate, and on how what we need to do to safeguard our elections -- and other aspects of our democracy -- going forward.

Voting & Elections 04.2.2020

Tips on how and when to apply for your vote-by-mail ballot

You still have time to vote in the Presidential Primary, but don't wait until the last minute to apply for your vote-by-mail ballot! Here is all the information you need.


Ohio’s 3/17/2020 Presidential Primary Election Postponed

Ohio's 3/17 primary election has been postponed. Common Cause Ohio will continue to give you accurate information and advocate for voters as this situation unfolds.

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