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Voting & Elections 09.17.2014

Judge: Redistricting commission not ‘independent’

Responding to a suit brought by a good-government group, a trial judge has ruled the State Board of Elections cannot use the word “independent” in describing a new redistricting commission on the November ballot.

Voting & Elections 09.17.2014

Judge tosses ‘independent’ from redistricting amendment language

In a victory for the segment of good-government groups opposed to the compromise constitutional amendment on redistricting, state Supreme Court Judge Patrick McGrath has ruled that the redistricting commission that would be created by the proposed change “cannot be described as ‘independent’ when eight out of the ten members are the handpicked appointees of the legislative leaders and the two additional members are essentially political appointees by proxy.”

Judge: NY Must Reword Redistricting Referendum

New York election officials must reword a November ballot question on the creation of a redistricting commission to avoid misleading voters into thinking it would be independent, a state judge ruled Wednesday.

Voting & Elections 09.17.2014

Judge Rules Proposed Redistricting Commission NOT Independent

In a strongly worded decision (attached), Albany Supreme Court Judge Patrick McGrath ruled unequivocally that the proposed redistricting commission: "cannot be described as 'independent' when eight out of the ten members are the handpicked appointees of the legislative leaders and the two additional members are essentially political appointees by proxy".

Voting & Elections 08.21.2014

Declaring independence: Referendum language misleads on redistricting commission

Could members of the Cuomo administration be up to the same mischief they engaged in last year when seeking permission to expand legalized gambling? A government watchdog group suspects so.

Voting & Elections 08.21.2014

Group challenges New York redistricting plan

Common Cause-New York seeks to reword the referendum, which critics say is misleading and could confuse voters into thinking they're voting for an independent redistricting commission.

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