We need your calls to Senate Finance Committee in support of SJR 1!   Let's send modernization to the voters!


Blog Post

With your help, we did it!

Thank you to the voters, the poll workers, our members, our donors and our amazing volunteers who worked tirelessly to ensure a safe and secure election for all New Mexicans!

We would like to extend our gratitude to you for standing with us during this crucial election. You supported our work in an unbiased and nonpartisan way to ensure all eligible New Mexicans were afforded the ability to cast their ballot.

Faced with an historic pandemic, voters showed up in record numbers, and overall, our elections were administered smoothly. Through our Election Protection program, together, we contacted 253,153 total voters, helping New Mexico vote in record numbers!

Not only did our state and country see record turnout, but our Election Protection program itself saw more participation, enthusiasm, and dedication than ever. It is because of dedicated supporters like you that we were able to recruit nearly 300 volunteers across the state as poll watchers, poll monitors, and voter contact volunteers, from Texico to Anthony.

The positive responses that we have received from the voters and volunteers has strengthened our determination to continue to expand our program, and to ensure every single voter throughout our state is free of intimidation and disenfranchisement for every election.

This election was about us – the people – and what future we want for our families, communities, and country. Voters deserve a democracy where every voice can be heard and one that is based on fairness, decency, justice, the truth, and the rule of law.

However, there is still work to be done. We’ll need to expand our vital, ongoing work to leave a better democracy for the next generation, and we ask for your continued support.

No matter what part you played — volunteering to protect voters, speaking out to demand a secure and safe election, financially supporting our work, or helping people in your community know their rights — please know that we couldn’t have done what we did without you. Thank you.



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