We need your calls to Senate Finance Committee in support of SJR 1!   Let's send modernization to the voters!


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Less than two weeks to go — and lots of bills on the move!

We need your help to ensure Ranked Choice Voting, Public Financing for District Court Races, Independent Redistricting and more cross the finish line!

The session ends in 13 days! Quick updates on the run of show until March 20th:

  • Both chambers will be meeting regularly for floor sessions & committee sessions. Be prepared for long nights if tuning in virtually!
  • The House passed HB 2 & HB 3 on Feb 25th, the bill setting the budget for 2021-2022. It is headed to be approved by the Senate.

HB 231, Requiring Tribal Agreement for Consolidating, Closing Native American Polling Locations, sponsored by Reps. Georgene Louis, Wonda Johnson, Derrick J. Lente, Anthony Allison & Sen. Benny Shendo, Jr.

This bill has unanimously passed off the House floor and is headed to the Senate! Please write or email your legislator here and thank them for supporting voting access for tribal communities!

SB 336, Voting for 16-17 Year Olds, sponsored by Sen. Carrie Hamblen

This voting enhancement bill passed out of Senate Rules Committee on March 5th. With youth being directly impacted by decisions in local elections, such as school board elections, it’s important we provide them an avenue to voice their opinion at the polls. This bill will next be heard in Senate Judiciary — please let committee members know you support expanded voting for the next generation.

SB 15, Redistricting, sponsored by Sen. Daniel Ivey-Soto & Speaker Brian Egolf

SB 15 has many elements of fair redistricting that the New Mexico First Fair Districts task force recommended. SB 15 passed out of committee unanimously and is headed to the Senate Floor. For updates from the Fair Districts Coalition, check out our new website and short blog post addressing the federal comparison issue the Judge raises.  

Sign our petition for fair redistricting in New Mexico here at: redistrictNM.org 

SB 160, Judicial Candidates in Voter Action Act, sponsored by Sens. Peter Wirth & Katy Duhigg 

Passed unanimously, 9-0, out of the Senate Finance Committee on March 5th. Your calls, emails, and constant support helped us move this bill out of the Finance committee! If passed, the bill would allow public funds, that are no longer being applied to PRC districts, to be applied to district judges. The passage would allow district judges to focus on their court docket, and not on fundraising for their campaigns. SB 160 is headed for debate on the Senate floor. Please contact your senator here and ask them to support SB 160, and help ensure that our state judiciary is free, fair, and impartial from conflicts of interest.

SB 235, Absent Voter Act, sponsored by Sen. Harold Pope

Sb 235 makes a permanent list for absentee ballot registration, which allows for voters to sign up to receive absentee ballots for every election, and helps improve the election administration. Stay tuned for updates on this important piece of legislation!

HB 244, Ethics Commission & Secretary of State Duties, sponsored by Reps. Daymon Ely & Greg Nibert

Passed out of the House Judiciary unanimously on March 1st, and then off the House floor with a vote 69-1. This bill is on track for great progress this session and is scheduled in the Senate Rules Committee for March 6th. Please call and thank your Representative for voting to support this important piece of legislation. 

SB 387, Segregated Bank Account, sponsored by Sen. Peter Wirth

This bill passed its second committee, Senate Judiciary. This bill would require a contribution to be deposited in a segregated bank account to be exempt from the independent expenditure reporting requirements. This would help ensure increased disclosure around who is funding any election in our state.




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