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Common Cause Indiana Issues Statement on Passage of New District Maps by Indianapolis City County Council

"We are disappointed but not surprised that the leadership of the City County Council needlessly rushed redistricting and voted on new districts without allowing enough time for public input."

Common Cause Indiana, Concerned Clergy and the NAACP Indianapolis Branch Call for More Public Outreach Before Council Vote on Redistricting; Denounce Rushed Process that Denies Communities a Fair Opportunity to Be Heard

Today, three organizations who have long worked to protect voting rights in Indianapolis called on the Indianapolis Marion County City County Council to delay a vote on new district maps until additional meetings are held in each township.

Common Cause Indiana’s Citizens Commission Provides a Public Interest Alternative to Partisan Redistricting

Today, Common Cause Indiana announced that they have formed a diverse and politically balanced citizens redistricting commission as an independent alternative to the partisan-controlled process led by the Indianapolis City County Council.

Anti-Gerrymandering Groups Condemn Ongoing Effort to Ignore Public’s Call for Reform

Today, voting rights organizations condemned the actions of the Senate super-majority who killed an effort by State Senator Fady Qaddoura to offer an amendment to create a summer study committee on redistricting.

All IN for Democracy Holds Day of Action for Redistricting Reform

Members of the All IN for Democracy coalition urged state leaders to “rebuild the fabric of democracy” by passing independent redistricting legislation at a lobby day held at the Indiana State Museum and the Indiana Statehouse today.

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