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For media inquiries please contact: Cheri Quickmire, Executive Director. Ph: 860.549.1220, cquickmire@commoncause.org or Dera Silvestre, Communications Strategist. Ph: 617-807-4032, dsilvestre@commoncause.org

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Voting & Elections 08.5.2022

80+ Candidates Go on Record about Proposed Election Changes

“Connecticut voters deserve the absolute best version of democracy. Knowing where your candidates stand on these issues is the first step toward making Connecticut a leader in the freedom to vote.”

Money & Influence 05.2.2022

In Last Hours of Legislative Session, Pro-Voter Bills Still Need to be Passed

Both bills received near-unanimous support during their public hearings, and both bills were reported favorably out of Committee more than a month ago but have not yet received a vote in either chamber.

Voting & Elections 04.21.2022

Civil Rights Coalition and Connecticut Legislators Join Together in Calling for Passage of Voting Rights Bill S.B. 471

“It will be nine long years in June since the Supreme Court gutted key provisions of the federal Voting Rights Act. In the absence of Senate action to fix the law, it’s time for the states to act instead."

Voting & Elections 04.1.2022

Forum for Secretary of the State Candidates Hosted by Common Cause in Connecticut

Issues covered during the forum included: a Ban on Foreign Spending on State Ballot Referendums; a Connecticut Voting Rights Act; legislation to create a task force to study the implementation of Ranked Choice Voting in Connecticut; implementation of Early voting if approved by voters on November 8, 2022; Risk-Limiting Audits; and Restoration of Voting Rights to Incarcerated Voters.

Voting & Elections 03.16.2022

75 Grassroots Leaders, Groups Urge Legislative Leaders to Pass ‘Freedom to Vote’ Agenda

“Connecticut voters deserve the absolute best version of democracy; that’s why we – a coalition of good government groups and other organizations who share this vision – are writing today to strongly urge our legislative leaders to prioritize these three ‘freedom to vote’ reforms from day one of the 2022 regular legislative session.”

Voting & Elections 06.17.2021

Connecticut Sets National Example for Voting Rights As States Across the Country Attack the Right to Vote; Bill Heads to Governor Lamont’s Desk

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