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Voting & Elections 04.16.2023

CT Insider: CT bill could bar participants in the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot from holding office

The first section of the bill would render “permanently ineligible” anyone who has ever taken an oath of office and then “engages in insurrection or rebellion against the United States or gives aid or comfort to the enemies of the United States” from being “elected or appointed to any state or municipal office.”

Voting & Elections 03.15.2023

CT News Junkie: Early Voting Policies Clear Committee

A legislative panel on election policy advanced three bills on Wednesday all intended to implement an early voting system allowed by a constitutional amendment approved overwhelmingly by Connecticut voters last year. The Government Administration and Elections Committee approved the policies during a lengthy afternoon meeting. Rep. Matt Blumenthal, a Stamford Democrat who co-chairs the panel, said proponents hoped to put the proposal before both the House and Senate in time to have an early voting option in place for this year’s election.

Voting & Elections 03.13.2023

CT Mirror: Public testifies on ranked-choice voting

Teran Loeppke, organizer of Common Cause in Connecticut, talks about the benefits of ranked choice voting.

Voting & Elections 02.23.2023

Fox 61: Public speaks out on early voting proposals in Connecticut

The Secretary of the State is recommending 10 days, but Common Cause in Connecticut recommends at least 14 days.

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