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Voting & Elections 03.26.2021

Connecticut advocates call for expanding voting rights for parolees and permanently allowing absentee ballot drop boxes outside town halls

“Even in a progressive state like Connecticut, we have some of the most restrictive voting laws in the country,’' Quickmire said. “We have a chance to change that this session by passing common-sense reforms like automatic voter registration, restoring voting rights for people on parole, and passing a Voting Rights Act to root out racial discrimination in voting. Forty-four other states have early voting, at least 29 have no-excuse absentee voting, and 23 have implemented automatic voter registration. It’s past time we join them.”

Voting & Elections 02.25.2021

Connecticut Needs To Make Voting Accessible To All

"We are all privileged to live in this glorious Republic, or representative democracy. The fundamental mechanism for determining our leaders and our policies, both national and local, is the ballot. This was recognized by the Founders and, in the ensuing centuries, the franchise has been broadened by the 15th, 19th and 26th Amendments. This past November, the people of the United States held an election that was the largest and dubbed the “most secure in American history” by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and others. The results were certified by Secretaries of State and Governors (of both parties) in all 50 states. Numerous challenges to the results were rejected by courts at every level up to and including a unanimous Supreme Court...."

Voting & Elections 02.23.2021

Public hearing discusses allowing early voting, expanding absentee ballots

“Connecticut voters deserve the opportunity to vote by the method of their choice – in-person in a polling place, in-person before Election Day, or by absentee ballot without needing an excuse – just like the voters in 43 other states,” said Secretary of the state Denise Merrill.

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