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For all media inquiries contact: Executive director Philip Hensley-Robin at 610-203-2364 or phensleyrobin@commoncause.org Communications strategist Dera Silvestre at dsilvestre@commoncause.org or 617-807-4032

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Common Cause PA Presents “Introduction to Redistricting”

The second webinar in the “Demystifying Democracy” series explained the upcoming redistricting process to Pennsylvanians from across the political spectrum. A recording of the event is available.

PA Supreme Court Appoints Chair of Legislative Reapportionment Commission – Without Any Public Process or Input

While we appreciate the quick work of the Court and congratulate Mr. Nordenberg on his appointment, we are disappointed that the process was conducted exclusively behind closed doors and that the LRC once again does not reflect the broad diversity that makes Pennsylvania special. 

Common Cause PA Urges Pennsylvania Supreme Court to use Transparent Process to Select Chair of Legislative Reapportionment Commission

"Pennsylvanians deserve a redistricting process that puts our communities, our values, and our experiences at the center."

Common Cause Pennsylvania Renews Opposition to Judicial Districts Amendment

During today’s meeting of the House Judiciary Committee, Common Cause Pennsylvania Executive Director Khalif Ali submitted testimony strongly opposing House Bill 38, the Judicial Districts Amendment. This unprecedented bill would take voters’ power over our courts away and eviscerate judicial independence. It is opposed by many former Pennsylvania judges, both Democratic and Republican as well as news media editorial boards around the state.

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