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For all media inquiries contact: Executive director Philip Hensley-Robin at 610-203-2364 or phensleyrobin@commoncause.org Communications strategist Dera Silvestre at dsilvestre@commoncause.org or 617-807-4032

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Common Cause Pennsylvania Calls For Representative Scott Perry to Resign

Rep. Perry has been on a months-long collision course to undermine the will of not only the people of his own state, but the will of Georgia voters as well. He has stoked conspiracy theories, called for the decertification of Pennsylvania’s votes following an unprecedented insurrection on the Nation’s Capitol, and now has been found having a direct hand in Donald Trump’s attempt to weaponize the Department of Justice for his own personal gain. For these reasons, he must resign.

Common Cause Pennsylvania Renews Opposition to Judicial Districts Amendment

During today’s meeting of the House Judiciary Committee, Common Cause Pennsylvania Executive Director Khalif Ali submitted testimony strongly opposing House Bill 38, the Judicial Districts Amendment. This unprecedented bill would take voters’ power over our courts away and eviscerate judicial independence. It is opposed by many former Pennsylvania judges, both Democratic and Republican as well as news media editorial boards around the state.

Federal Judge J. Nicholas Ranjan Affirms Re-election of Sen. Jim Brewster

Common Cause calls on our elected officials to demonstrate the type of leadership that will reinstill confidence in our democracy. Pennsylvanians deserve nothing less. Jim Brewster was chosen by his constituents to represent them. Common Cause Pennsylvania urges the Senate to immediately seat him.

Voting & Elections 11.27.2020

Voting Rights Advocates’ Statement in Response to Appeals Court Ruling in Trump v. Boockvar

“Once again, this court decision is a win for voters. We’re glad that this court, also, recognized the lack of evidence and lack of merit in this lawsuit. In America, voters choose our elected officials. Pennsylvania’s voters made a collective decision, weeks ago, and that decision needs to be honored.”

Federal Judge Dismisses Trump’s Attempt to Disenfranchise Seven Million Pennsylvania Voters

A federal district court judge today dismissed a lawsuit brought by President Trump’s campaign, dealing a crippling blow to the president’s attempts to undermine the election’s expected results in the commonwealth.

Federal Court in Pennsylvania Allows Advocates and Voters to Intervene in Trump Campaign Lawsuit

In a major development with implications for the 2020 presidential election, a federal court in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has allowed three nonpartisan advocacy organizations and three voters to intervene in a lawsuit filed by President Trump’s campaign against the commonwealth and all 67 counties that seeks to restrict several election administration practices that are necessary to allow people to vote safely in November.

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