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For all media inquiries contact: Executive director Philip Hensley-Robin at 610-203-2364 or phensleyrobin@commoncause.org Communications strategist Dera Silvestre at dsilvestre@commoncause.org or 617-807-4032

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Voting & Elections 05.28.2024

Advocates for voters sue Pennsylvania for rejecting thousands of mail-in ballots due to inconsequential handwritten date mistakes

The groups claim that rejecting mail-in ballots for incorrect or missing dates—which have no bearing on voters’ eligibility—violates the state constitutional right to free and equal elections

Voting & Elections 03.20.2024

Support for Speaker McClinton’s Voting Access Legislation

“The pro-voter reforms included in Speaker McClinton’s bills will make voting more accessible for all Pennsylvanians. Same day registration gives voters the opportunity to register or update their registration when they are most engaged — on Election Day. Early voting would give Pennsylvanians – many of whom have responsibilities that prevent them from showing up on Election Day — more opportunities to participate. Common Cause Pennsylvania is proud to support this legislation.”

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