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Voting & Elections 06.23.2022

Today’s January 6th Committee Hearing – Statement of Common Cause Pennsylvania

Congressman Scott Perry (PA-10) pushed for Jeffrey Clark to become acting Attorney General and use the DOJ’s powers to pressure state lawmakers in Georgia to contest the state’s election outcome. The plan was dropped when several DOJ leaders threatened to resign.

Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack: US Rep. Perry Sought Presidential Pardon

In the weeks after January 6, 2021, Common Cause Pennsylvania called on Rep. Perry to resign. “Instead of upholding the Constitution, as he swore to do in his Oath of Office, he has subverted the very democracy we elected him to serve and protect.”

Voting & Elections 10.7.2021

Report by U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee singled out two Pennsylvania Republicans — U.S. Rep. Scott Perry and State Sen. Doug Mastriano

It is clear from what we’ve seen in this report that these men do not respect the will of the voters. No elected official should remain in office, if they do not respect the voters who put them there.

Advocates and Voters Ask to Join Election Review Lawsuit Against the PA Senate to Defend Voters’ Privacy Rights

Common Cause Pennsylvania, the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania, Make the Road Pennsylvania, and the voters say that they have an interest in the case because voters’ constitutional right to privacy will be compromised if the Senate Republicans are allowed to enforce their subpoena for voters’ private personal data.

Common Cause Pennsylvania Calls For Representative Scott Perry to Resign

Rep. Perry has been on a months-long collision course to undermine the will of not only the people of his own state, but the will of Georgia voters as well. He has stoked conspiracy theories, called for the decertification of Pennsylvania’s votes following an unprecedented insurrection on the Nation’s Capitol, and now has been found having a direct hand in Donald Trump’s attempt to weaponize the Department of Justice for his own personal gain. For these reasons, he must resign.

Federal Judge Dismisses Trump’s Attempt to Disenfranchise Seven Million Pennsylvania Voters

A federal district court judge today dismissed a lawsuit brought by President Trump’s campaign, dealing a crippling blow to the president’s attempts to undermine the election’s expected results in the commonwealth.

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