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For all media inquiries contact: Executive director Philip Hensley-Robin at 610-203-2364 or phensleyrobin@commoncause.org Communications strategist Dera Silvestre at dsilvestre@commoncause.org or 617-807-4032

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Voting & Elections 06.30.2021

Gov. Wolf’s Vetoes Save Voters’ Access, Save Taxpayers $100+ million

'We – and the taxpayers of Pennsylvania – thank Gov. Wolf for his vetoes today. Today’s vetoes help quantify the financial cost of the anti-voter legislation being passed around the country. In actual dollars-and-cents, making it harder to vote would have cost $99 million in upfront costs and another $19 million in annual recurring costs.'

Voting & Elections 06.22.2021

Anti-Voter Package Moving Quickly Through Pennsylvania Legislature

The bill will cost almost $92 million, which “could be spent improving the lives of Pennsylvanians – rather than funding legislation that will make it harder for us to vote.”

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